The Florida ICAC Task Forces, along with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Child Abduction Response Team (CART) and Sexual Offender Registration and Enforcement will once again be hosting a free 3-day conference to expand the efforts and knowledge base of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors by providing highly specialized training focused on investigating and prosecuting technology-facilitated crimes against children. If you are interested in speaking or exhibiting, please visit the 'Learn More' section.
Interested in speaking? We invite you to [submit a workshop]( for consideration. All workshop submissions will be reviewed by the conference planning committee. **The deadline to submit a proposal is close of business on Monday, September 30th**. Exhibitor registration is now open! Register [Here](
Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819 Phone: (407) 284-1234 Self-parking is discounted to $7 per day with in/out privileges (you must self-park in order to receive the discount as valet parking is $50 per day).
A block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Orlando has been secured at a rate of $140.00/night plus taxes and fees. The resort fee will also be waived for all attendees. If you are a Florida ICAC Task Force member or affiliate and wish to request a lodging reservation, please select your Task Force below to make your request via email. **The deadline for making hotel reservations is Friday, November 22nd.** **North Florida ICAC Task Force** - please email your Task Force Commander directly. [Central Florida ICAC Task Force](mailto:Kyle.glynn@osceolasheriff?subject=FL%20Conference%20-%20Reservation%20Request) [South Florida ICAC Task Force]( All other attendees, speakers and exhibitors, [please make your lodging reservation here]( If a FL Task Force is paying for your lodging you must request a room by selecting the Task Force above.